Friday, October 29, 2010

Fluant lacrimae, sed eadem et desinant!

Setelah sekian lama mengeram tanpa menghasilkan apa-apa, rasa rindu menulis tak dapat saya tolak lagi. Saya membuka kitab Five Smooth Stones For Pastoral Work karya Eugene Peterson, dan menemukan baris-baris ini.

Lamentations provides a model for dealing with this sense of endlessness in suffering by putting the suffering within the frame of the acrostic. There is a countable, alphabetical scheme - so that when you are at A, you know that Z is, even though a long way off, still there, and that will end the series. The acrostic framework of Lamentations gives a context to the suffering which has boundaries. A sense of finitude is communicated by indirect, nonverbal, means. Fluant lacrimae, sed eadem et desinant! - let the tears flow, but let them also cease! [p. 123]

Bentuk akrostik dalam buku Ratapan oleh karenanya membantu pastors melayani mereka yang sedang menderita dengan memberikan kerangka kerja, atau framework, dan dengan demikian mengingatkan mereka yang kita layani bahwa penderitaan tak eksis untuk selamanya. Maka pastors perlu memerhatikan timing. Harus ada saat kita memberikan ruang seluas-luasnya kepada orang yang berduka untuk bertutur mengenai kedukaannya. Tapi kesempatan ini tak boleh dibiarkan berlarut-larut. Bukan karena pastors banyak urusan dan tuntutan lain, tapi karena penderitaan dan kedukaan harus diberi batasan, harus ditaruh dalam skema. Dengan kata lain, harus ada kata 'cukup' dalam konseling pastoral.

Baiklah saya akhiri post ini dengan sekali lagi mengutip Eugene, "Evil is recognized and bravely faced, but it is not permitted to become an obsession." [p. 124] Kejahatan harus dikenali dan dihadapi dengan berani, namun tak boleh ia diizinkan menjadi obsesi.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Festival of friends

i just got back from a pastor's conference on friendship that was held at tyndale. arthur boers, one of the resource peoples, introduced me to the song composed by bruce cockburn, festival of friends. boers said that he wants to see this conference as a festival of friends, which i think it was.

here is the lyric:

5 April 1975. Burritt's Rapids.

An elegant song won't hold up long
When the palace falls and the parlour's gone
We all must leave but it's not the end
We'll meet again at the festival of friends.

Smiles and laughter and pleasant times
There's love in the world but it's hard to find
I'm so glad I found you -- I'd just like to extend
An invitation to the festival of friends.

Some of us live and some of us die
Someday God's going to tell us why
Open your heart and grow with what life sends
That's your ticket to the festival of friends.

Like an imitation of a good thing past
These days of darkness surely will not last
Jesus was here and he's coming again
To lead us to his festival of friends.

Black snake highway -- sheet metal ballet
It's just so much snow on a summer day
Whatever happens, it's not the end
We'll meet again at the festival of friends.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Doa Ikrar

Di bawah ini adalah doa ikrar yang dikarang oleh Pdt. John Wesley. Saya mencoba menerjemahkannya secara bebas. Semoga menjadi berkat bagi anda.

Covenant Prayer
John Wesley

I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine.
So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven.

Doa Ikrar
John Wesley

Aku bukan milikku lagi, tapi milik-Mu.
Taruh aku di mana Kau mau, letakkan aku dengan siapa Kau mau.
Tempatkan aku untuk bekerja, tempatkan aku untuk menderita.
Izinkan aku dikaryakan bagi-Mu atau dikesampingkan bagi-Mu,
ditinggikan bagi-Mu atau direndahkan bagi-Mu.
Biarkan aku penuh, biarkan aku kosong.
Biarkan aku memiliki segalanya, biarkan aku tak punya apa-apa.
Dengan bebas dan segenap hati aku menyerahkan segalanya untuk dipakai sesuka hati-Mu.
Dan kini, Ya Allah yang Mulia dan Terpuji, Bapa, Putra dan Roh Kudus,
Engkau milikku dan aku milik-Mu.
Kehendak-Mu jadilah.
Dan perjanjan yang telah kubuat di bumi,
kiranya terjadi pula di surga.