Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kiss me!

Saya sangat menyukai tulisan-tulisan Eugene Peterson (EP). Isu-isu sederhana bisa diulasnya dengan kata-kata yang kaya dan dinamis. Di blog ini, kalau sempat, saya akan post secara berkala quotes dari buku-bukunya dengan disertai sedikit comments.

Salah satunya ini, ia membahas bagaimana buku Song of Songs atau Kidung Agung relevan dengan pastoral work.

… the first word in the Song (in Hebrew) is "Kiss me!" (yissaqeni) - a direct, and passionate, appeal for intimacy. This person does not want to talk about theology, does not want to gossip about love, does not want to get on a committee to do something for God. There is no time for cultural "platonic" conversation, no use for that which in the theological world goes under the label of "apologetics." The lonely isolation of the solitary person must be invaded. Life, to be meaningful, must be joined: intimacy is a requirement of wholeness.

[Ketika seorang kekasih berkata, "Kiss me!," kita tahu, yang ia minta dari kita tak lain dari sebuah respon yang relevan, yakni sebuah action yang menyambut ajakan mewujudkan cinta.]

Pastoral work is familiar with the demand, if not so familiar with its bold expression (for not so many know what they need so clearly, or are so bold to express it directly). All those who have heard the word of salvation and have responded to it in faith are on the way to realizing its implications in their daily lives. The desire is expressed either openly or circuitously. It may or may not be expressed to the pastor, but it is always expressed somehow or other in the community in which the pastor works. We are trained to have ears to hear the inarticulate "Kiss me!" that is hidden under all kinds of other demands and requests. (p. 45-46)

[Jika saya terjemahkan secara bebas, kira-kira seperti ini: Apakah kita cukup terlatih untuk mendengar kata mesra "Kiss me! yang tak terucap itu, yang tersembunyi di balik tuntutan-tuntutan dan pemintaan-permintaan mereka yang kita layani? Tuntutan dan permintaan dimaksud bisa dikemas dalam bentuk permintaan memperoleh visitasi, counselling, penjelasan khotbah lebih lanjut, bahkan penyampaian kritik dan protes.]

Eugene H. Peterson, Five smooth stones for pastoral work (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1992).

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